EDIT: I texted this picture to my doctor. His official response is: inconclusive, test again in three days. In the mean time, I'm going to take a nap.
SECOND EDIT: Sarah asked to see more things that I've peed on. And, since I'm good like that, here ya go. The stick labeled '1' is from two days ago, the stick labeled '2' is from this morning. Any thoughts?
Two!!!!!! I see it!!! I am jumping up and down!!!
I'm an expert a analyzing these things by now! TWO!! CONGRATS!!!!! Now you can have a baby on my birthday!! :D
And,yes, I see two. I've become quite proficient at analyzing those....
mike walked by and asked me who was pregnant now:) if he can see it from back there, your totally pregnant! congrats! now go get a damn digital one to confirm :)
I am so confused.
Maybe you are too?
Get another test.
My eyes are crap....so don't trust me. Congratulations are in order I believe. Your future babysitter will be thrilled!!!
Well, it is March, I think you are supposed to get the + this month. Best wishes, lots of love.
I had to blow the picture up and get my glasses but yes, I see two!!!
Soon you will have your own army of children. :)
I don't know. I think I'll need to see more stuff you've peed on to be sure.
:) WHEE!
My test with Caite was faint too. So, IT'S A GIRL!!!!
I am an expert.
My official ruling....
with the second picture tis TOTALLY TWO LINES!
Since I peed on 900 of those in Feb I consider myself somewhat of an expert. That second one is POSITIVE! Congrats!
Congrats mama!
you're totally pregnant.
Congratulations! Looks like 2 lines but having to wait 3 more days to test is going to be torture!
Not only positive, but also getting darker. xoxoxo. Congratulations.
you are prego.......
#2! I TOTALLY SEE IT!!!! I'd probably take a dozen more tests to make sure but I am just crazy that way...
Okay - I just looked at it again - and really trying not to party poop - but is that possibly and evap line? It looks a little spread out from the control... I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllly hope this is it for you! I know how long this journey has been!
Yay! Another baby!
It'll be a bit darker tomorrow, much darker on Friday.
That second line is getting darker and darker!!!!!
WHoo Hoo!!!
Okay - I am getting obsessed - I can see the line on the first test now! I couldn't see it before. Its like one of those magic eye books or something!
Based on Test #2, it's official. It had to be getting pregnant in February to find out in Mid March to be due right around Thanksgiving. Wooo hooooo Oh and if you want to know pink or blue before the u/s, or just have fun a few friends have used this and had it be correct. http://www.intelligender.com/intelligender-gender-prediction-test.html Yay for babies! Chinese Lunar calendar saYS Girl. Your genetics say perfectly beautiful
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