Happy Birthday Future Me! xoxo, Sweet Sixteen Me!
Unfortunately, the *cough cough* in this post title is very literal. I was hoping the birthday gods would humor me and I'd get a fantastic night's sleep with a subsequent return of good health, but alas, no such luck. I do feel better than yesterday, though, so hey, progress!
Now, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that I plan on celebrating this entire month. Because, HELLO?, it's my birthday month. My THIRTIETH birthday month. Not only that, but it's my blogging anniversary (bloggiversary?) month too! And so... yes... one more contest! Only one winner this time, but it's a biggy. I have a $100 Spa Finder gift card* for one lucky reader. Again, this contest is sponsored by ME. For YOU. Because, well, I'm pretty awesome like that.

How to Enter:
- Additional entries:
But, wait! You can do this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! So, it's more like a total of six BAJILLION(ish) possible entries!!!
The contest will run from now until Monday, August 31, 2009, midnight Orlando, Florida time. Winners will be picked by random number generator and will be notified by email (on or about) Tuesday, September 1, 2009. Winners have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. U.S. addresses only, please.
I reserve the right to cancel or change this contest at any time for any reason. This contest is void where prohibited.
*I'm totally not going to lie to you... it's a regift. I won the Year of the Mom contest and have since learned that my beloved pedicure place doesn't take these gift cards (ok, so, turns out it's not technically a spa... who knew?).
Ok, OK!!! I know everyone's eager to hear who won the Target gift cards. So without further adieu, congratulations are in order to Someone ($20 gift card), Denise ($10 gift card), and Kathy ($5 gift card). Ladies, you have until the end of the day on Monday (8/3) to respond to me (I am sending emails), if I do not hear from you, a new winner will be chosen.
Now, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that I plan on celebrating this entire month. Because, HELLO?, it's my birthday month. My THIRTIETH birthday month. Not only that, but it's my blogging anniversary (bloggiversary?) month too! And so... yes... one more contest! Only one winner this time, but it's a biggy. I have a $100 Spa Finder gift card* for one lucky reader. Again, this contest is sponsored by ME. For YOU. Because, well, I'm pretty awesome like that.

How to Enter:
- Entries will be received in the comments section of this post. All entries will be verified. You MUST leave a valid email address with EACH entry, I will not hunt you down!
- First entry: Leave a comment telling me you want to win (and, you know, feel free to add how much you love me)!
- Additional entries:
- Tweet about this contest and leave a separate comment with the link to your tweet (not to your twitter account, just to your contest tweet). - one extra entry
- Blog about this contest and leave a separate comment with the link to your blog post. - one extra entry
- Follow or subscribe to this blog and leave a separate comment stating that you do so. - one extra entry
- Enter the JRegan Photography giveaway and then come back and leave a comment letting me know you did. - one extra entry
- Enter the Dream Custom Artwork giveaway and then come back and leave a comment letting me know you did. - one extra entry
But, wait! You can do this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! So, it's more like a total of six BAJILLION(ish) possible entries!!!
The contest will run from now until Monday, August 31, 2009, midnight Orlando, Florida time. Winners will be picked by random number generator and will be notified by email (on or about) Tuesday, September 1, 2009. Winners have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. U.S. addresses only, please.
I reserve the right to cancel or change this contest at any time for any reason. This contest is void where prohibited.
*I'm totally not going to lie to you... it's a regift. I won the Year of the Mom contest and have since learned that my beloved pedicure place doesn't take these gift cards (ok, so, turns out it's not technically a spa... who knew?).
1 – 200 of 625 Newer› Newest»Happy birthday month!
Happy birthday, lady. At least you can't over-indulge in your current condition, right?
Well, you could over-indulge in FOOD. YOu should do that.
Happy birthday! I am so excited about the Target giftcard. I sent you my address, please let me know if you didn't get the email.
I am pregnant with my first and I could totally use a day at the spa!
I follow your blog
HAPPY BIRTHDAY....And bloggiversary! I definitely would love to win that spa gift card. As you know, being a mama to 2 under 2 is stressful....
I'm a follower of all your blogs! :)
Happy birthday to you and your blog....y'all should eat way too much cake together to celebrate!
Please enter me in the contest. My 46th Bday was July 25th.
Happy birthday & I would just LOVE to win!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Happy Birthday! And count me in.
Happy birthday.
And thank you for the chance to win a nice relaxing spa day.
happy birthday
count me in
Everyone have a great week!
Happy Birthday! This is a great giveaway! This is my first time to your site.
I entered the JRegan Photography giveaway.
tweet hhttp://twitter.com/Grandma3710/status/3075377148ere
Happy Birthday! Thanks for doing such great giveaways! I really hope I win this one!
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow your blog.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I entered the JRegan Photography giveaway.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love you for having this giveaway. I'd really love to win! We both share a Birthday month. Happy Birthday and thanks.
I'm a follower. Thanks again.
yay for birthdays and bloggiversaries!! I turn 30 this year too, so I am in the same boat...
I am a follower and I want to win that card!
Would love to win the spa gift card!! Happy Birthday :)
This is my favorite gift certificate to win! I really need a Spa day, but can't afford it! I would love to win!
Happy Birthday, I am totally happy with a regift...and there is a spa i'm dying to go to around here! hope I win! anne molino at hotmail dot com
entered the JRegan Photography giveaway
What?! You mean that Random generator thingy didn't pick me?! :) Just kidding! I'll go for the gold again, I suppose. :)
Here's my first official entry for the spa gift card... even if I can't find a place around here that'll take it. :)
BTW, Happy 30th Birthday, April!!!!!!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow you, but I haven't blogged about this yet. So, I guess I won't get as many entries today... unless I decide to break out the giveaway posts. Anywho... just letting you know I follow you, even though you didn't pick me to win the Target gift cards. ;)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I tweeted about this for 8/1... YOUR *cough~cough* birthday!!!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
i want to win mverno@roadrunner.com
ok i want to win and i LOVVVE you and your blog!!
blog follower
i entered the jregan giveaway
happy bday!!
happy Birthday and I love you so much I am willing to give you my second born...my first born is acting okay right now...the second born not so much....oh wait....he is special he came from my lions ....LOL
cool cool cool and congrats to the target gc winners
I could use a spa day--enter me please!
Happy birthday month! July was my birthday months and I was 27 again lol
I would love a facial at my favorite spa that takes spa finders gift cards
I want this!!! Seriously!
And I follow you!
And I blogged about it!
oh...my blog is damica.blogspot.com
and I would enter the jreganphotography contest...but I am jregan...so I think this should still count!
Happy Birthday to you!
You don't look a day over 26.
Please enter me in your giveaway. Happy birthday and many, many more.
Happy birthday. Thirty is not so bad. : )
Happy Birthday! Congrats to the Target winners! I'd love to win the spa giveaway:)
I'm a follower!
Happy Birthday! 30 is not hard. 31 is because you are one year removed from leaving the 20's. But I have to say that three years in and it's been the best three years of my life.
happy happy - great decade ahead of you. (I know, 40 is staring me in the face.)
would love a spa treatment in your honor.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
A day at the spa, I could so use that right now. This summer has been hecktic. I would love to win this. :)
Happy Birthday!
A day at the spa...I could really use this. I would save it for when the hectic summer scedule is over and my son is back at school. A spa day just for me...I'm dreaming!
Happy Birthday month! Hope you're feeling better. I would love to win.
happy birthday I just had my 40
I would like to win! And a Very Happy Birthday to you!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
i would love to win this
i wanna winnnn!! love the blog!!:)
30 years old? Nah! You look 21! I would LOVE to win this awesome, fantabulous, grrreat, wonderful, delightful, lavish, magnificent, and generous prize!! Thank you for the contest!
I'd love to win this for my Maid of Honor (my twin sister) for all the help she has given me in preparation for my wedding next month! I had my bridal shower yesterday and I had such a good time and I'd just like to thank her!
I am a follower of your blog!
hey, I'm also doing a birthday month! we rock!
I want to win.
and... I follow you...
I would LOVE to win! Happy Birthday!
I follow.
Happy Birthday, and Happy SITS Sunday!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! Lord knows I need a day at the spa.
Enjoy your birthday :)
faye @ green organic mama . com
I really want to win. Thanks.
I'd like to win and I just turned 30 July 23 2009!
I want to win and I love you.
I want to win and I love you very much.
I follow via Google.
I want to win, I NEED the pampering
Happy Birthday:
I'd like to win because I have lots of arthritis and nothing helps me feel better than a massage.
Woo Hoo - Happy Birthday, April!! I got a Spafinder gift card a few years ago and used it to get the works - haircut, color, massage, facial, and some reflexology thing that seemed kind of pointless. Feel free to regift me with this card so I can do it all again, minus the lame reflexology.
Hope you had a great day yesterday. I'm all for this birthday month thing - wonder if I can talk my husband into spoiling me for the whole month of Sept?!?!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Um, hells yeah I want/NEED to win as I hit *cough, hack, choke, sputter, gulp* 38 last month!
So happy birthday you young whippersnapper! Enjoy it.. 30 isn't 38.. which is MUCH older but at least NOT 40 YET!
I don't know if I can be as creative with my comments now that your birthday is past... but wait, it's still your birthday MONTH! :)
I've tweeted, but I still haven't blogged. :(
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Even though I didn't blog, I still follow you. Did you know you'll be 31 in 364 days?! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I still want to win... even if I never blog about this and even if I never enter the JRegan Photography giveaway. :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Happy birthday, love the pic!
count me in :)
Thank you for a great birthday giveaway.
Happy Birthday, and Blogiversary and congrats on being Mother of the Year even if it didn't get you a pedicure!
bigbinderblog (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted this contest too!
bigbinderblog (at) gmail (dot) com
Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have (or had) a wonderful day!
what an amazing giveaway! i need some pamperin....
happy birthday, hope yu had a great day.. i love the give away
Pick me, Pick me...I could really use a spa day!
I just want to wish you a very happy birthday. :)
Happy Birthday! Count me in please!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
i want to win
happy birthday! i'm not far from my 30th myself and i could really use that spa gc. especially since i just had my 4th baby 3 weeks ago! have a great birthday! neenee838@yahoo.com
Happy Birthday!
I want to win -- for me!
Happy birthday month. I'd love to celebrate with you with a win.
once again happy bday!!!:) have a great day
I'm just a tweetin' away... and wondering what I can comment about that will make you smile. :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I still haven't blogged about this one, but of course, I still want to win!!! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Oh, did I mention yet today that I will follow you, follow you wherever you may go... there isn't a mountain too steep, a valley too low it can keep, keep me away... away from your blog!!! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
What another giveaway, your rock girlie. I could so use this... working with 10 Kids all week long really gets me pooped, I need some relaxation.
I wanna win! :P
YOu know I'm following, I already have been, thats 1 extra entry for me.
Of course I had to tweet about it.
What a cool giveaway JRegan Photography is having. I would love her Mr. Macaw picture in her Etsy shop.
So obviously this means I went to hers and entered.LOL
I want to win and OMG you look fantastically young for 30! I would have thought you were in your teens! YOU GO GIRL!
happy birthday!
I desperately need a massage so I'd love to win!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
entered the JRegan Photography giveaway!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
I would love to win and I wish I was only 30!
Happy Birthday! You could have skipped 30 and just stayed 29. I've been doing that for 4 years. Oh yeah, I want to win. I could use some spa time.
I can't even remember 30, it was that long ago! This old body and soul could really use some pampering at a spa.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I definitely NEED this spa retreat as a treat for making it through the first trimester! Ha!!!
I want to win because in all my 19 years of living, I've never been to the spa. =]
I love you this much o---('-')---o
I'm a follower
I've also entered the JRegan Photography giveaway
This sounds so decadent. What fun! Happy birthday.
I want to win this! I need it!!!!
I really could use a spa day. I need a pedicure and would love to try spa finders. Thanks so much for a great giveaway.
happy birthday! i want to win! thanks for the chance!
lostinthemission (at) yahoo (dot) com
i follow your blog
lostinthemission (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'm glad you had a great time on your birthday.
I want to win:)
Blog follower
Blogged about giveaway
Wow, awesome.. it's YOUR birthday and you're giving presents? :) Have a wonderful birthday.
I'd love to win and take a little relaxer weekend!
hebert024 at aol dot com
I wanna win!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
daily entry
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
please enter me!!!:)
I tweeted for 8/4:
My sis is in town from over 800 miles away!
Hope you're enjoying being 30! ;)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I *still* haven't blogged, but I *do* still follow! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Oh yea, and I'd still like to win! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Thank you for the great giveaway, in honor of your birhtday.
oh, happy birthday - thanks for the giveaway!
Please enter me in your giveaway. I WANT to WIN!
Happy birthday!!
I'd love to win this prize, thanks for sponsoring this.
Happy birthday! 30 isn't too bad, I promise!
I'd love to win this- I have two kids under two and I'm tired and stressed!
I just turned 35!!
Happy birthday to you!! Great contest. :)
ummm...i want to win so much - just got married, my baby turns 4 this month, moving, finishing grad school --- spa day sounds delish!
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
Happy Birthday! =)
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
I've never been to a spa! Pick me! :)
I'm a blog follower :)
sibabe64 @ ptd . net
Happy Birthday, wonderful woman!!
Thanks for the spafinders gc!
I wanna win. and Happy Birthday!
I would love to win! Happy birthday!
i wanna winnnnnn ! :) yay
I am entering again cause its a new day and I can.
I have never had a professional massage and I could really use one!! Thanks for the chance!! mogrill@comcast.net
cool! I would love to win; and weren't you an adorable 16 year old; makes me wish I wasn't in the middle of my "punk phase" at that age ;-)
i want to win! and happy birthday!
happy birthday and thank you for the giveaway.
Happy Birthday!
Oh, and PICK ME!!
As a mother of two I dserve this!
ehhogan at bellsouth.net
I want to win.
i would love this! happy birthday and i hope you feel better!
I tweeted for 8/5... I'm pooped, though. We went swimming w/ 5 girls aged 10 mos. to 9 years today.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Still no blog... but I follow! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I wanna win, I wanna win... pick me, pick me!!! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
What a great prize. Would love to win. Thanks for adding it to my "Giveaways Galore" Mister Linky!
I tweeted and now following you!
Yay! Happy Birthday!
And thanks for the giveaway! I hope I win! <3
abigail.lee {at} gmail.com
yeah - I'd love to win
I want to win!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
Happy birthday! I would love to win this. I need a day a the spa to relax.
I entered the JRegan Photography giveaway.
I want to go to the spa to celebrate your special month!! Pick me! Pick me!
enter me! happy birthday! i'm a leo baby too!
great giveaway--thanks so much for giving us the chance!
I REALLY want to win this!!!
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
I entered the JRegan Photography giveaway.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
Everyone looks like they enjoyed your birthday party. I'm so glad. Take Care!
Can you believe it's nearly one week into August already?!
I tweeted for 8/6:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow you... but I *still* haven't blogged. ;)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I wanna win, if for no other reason but to say "I won!"
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Happy Birthday!! I would looooove to win this and I do of course love you ;-)
I'm a follower :)
I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am following your blog now! Thanks!
I entered the Dream Custom Artwork Giveaway!
i want to win! daily entry
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
i want to win!!
I want to win - entry for today!
I want to win!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
Entered the JRegan Photography giveaway
hockiemack at hotmail.com
I want to win
i'm glad you had a great celebration.
I would like to win!
daily entry: I would love to win this. I need a day at the spa to relax.
Happy Birthday. Thanks for offering such a fun giveaway!
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
I just entered your dream custom art giveaway too.
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love to win & happy b-day! Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow your blog. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
Have a great weekend and thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
I'm ready to win
I want to win!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
hockiemack at hotmail.com
Entered the JRegan Photography giveaway
hockiemack at hotmail.com
You are totally awesome! So is 30 and I should know, I just turned 31. Happy birthday! (I want to win :)
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I want to win! I'd love a massage!
Happy Bday! It's my Bday too . :)
I want to win b/c I totally need some pampering; I've been overworked
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