Friday, September 30, 2011

It Has Come to My Attention That The Closer I Get To Having a Baby, The More I Feel Compelled To Do.

Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Okay, for starters, can you BELIEVE my nephew turned two? TWO?! Seriously, I just told you he was born like ten minutes ago. He cannot possibly be two already.

And yet, he is.

So, we went to the Magic Kingdom for his birthday. Because the Magic Kingdom is awesome. Even when you're eightybajillion months pregnant.

Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday
Magic Kingdom for Brodie's Birthday

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1 comment:

Pam (@iwriteinbooks) said...

Oh Magic Kingdom, I seriously love you. No for real! I think I like it even better as a mom than I did as a kid. Tere's something about watching a three and a half year old explore that place that totally beats doing it, yourself, even as a three and a half year old. Such fun. Oh and I like your "draped in little boys" picture. <3

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