Monday, April 4, 2011

Much Ado About Nothing?

Much Ado About Nothing?
I'm sorry, I know you probably don't want to do anymore squinting and guessing with me. But, it is what it is. And, well. We don't know what it is. But, hey! At least I'm not making you look at urine.


Unknown said...

So this is another in limbo? Thinking of you April!!

anymommy said...

xo. Holding you tight in my thoughts and waiting for good news.

VDog said...

Could your dates be off and it's just a little too early to see anything?

Thinking of you and your uterus. Heh.


Malia said...

Oh, honey! I really, really, REALLY hope it is something, er someone! Love and hugs and stuff!


Angela said...

Totally praying for you chica!

Unknown said...

Excited to see the fourth in that picture someday soon! :D

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