Saturday, February 26, 2011

We Could Use Some Super-Nanny Up In Here.

Time Out is So Rough
Stephen has started hitting. With intent and malice. (Oh, hey there law degree!). I know some folks don't believe you can effectively discipline a child under three years old (seriously, people have said this to me with a straight face), but I would respectfully (strongly) disagree. So, this week Stephen was introduced to the time-out spot. He's not a fan.
Time Out is So Rough
Time Out is So Rough
Time Out is So Rough
Time Out is So Rough
Time Out is So Rough
What age do you believe is the appropriate time
to start formally disciplining your children?


Jenn said...

The earlier the better! Mason hits... a lot so he gets time out... a lot!

Meredith R. said...

People have actually said that to you? I am a firm believer that if you effectively discipline your kids BEFORE they turn three you will save a lot of headache and trouble later on. So go Mama! We're still doing the arm-holding timeouts with Daniel until he gets closer to two - he won't voluntarily stay put in a time out spot yet.

Unknown said...

I've started crib time-outs at 18 months or so. They know. Trust me, they know...

diane woods said...

from the moment they know they are not obeying you...once they comprehend that they are defying you

Anonymous said...

We started just before our son turned one. So far even on his bad days he isn't so bad. :o)

Anonymous said...

as soon as they are aware it is something they are not supposed to do. tell them once fair warning, next time..time out, etc

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