Saturday, January 1, 2011

The 2010 Recap.

2009 & 2010
I cannot thank you all enough for joining my family on this journey. Another year has come and gone, too quickly. Please, sit a moment and relive a few of my favorite memories.

In January we took the boys to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom for the first time ever! Casey was none too keen on the rides, but the boys sure enjoyed the giant cookie courtesy of the big mouse.
eating the giant cookie at disney 3

February confirmed how well I know my children. Specifically, Jonathan's affinity for tasting things that probably shouldn't be tasted.
Yogurt Paint!

Then in March I admitted to being a liar liar pants on fire. I also took my kids to the library.
Visiting the Library

When April came around, Casey started (and finished) preschool. I still get weepy thinking about it.


SeekerofGrace said...

Wow! I made the list!! That was definitely a highlight of my year, too. And my resolutions for 2011? MORE BLOGGING! :) I should do a recap since I don't think I ever got to blog about our trip. :p

Mold Removal said...

Hi...the 2010 recap pics too good and happy..I wish you good things in the new year..

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