Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This is what Looooooove Looks Like. In Case You Were Curious.

Sally & Enrique are ENGAGED!!!
Sally & Enrique are ENGAGED!
Sally and Enrique got engaged on Monday. I was there. It was awesome. I am stoked.
Unless I have to wear a bridesmaid's dress. In which case, I am excited, but not stoked.
I love you Sally. You will make a beautiful bride. P.S. Have you set a date yet?
More WW here & here.


Michelle said...

What sweet pictures and I agree with you on the bridesmaid dresses......they are almost always lame-o!

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Congrats to them! It's so cool that you were there. You have such a sweet family!!

Muthering Heights said...

Awww, congratulations to them!

Anonymous said...

They make a handsome couple,Congrats.

Happy WW!

Link up at my site:

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Beautiful shot! Congrats to Sally & Enrique!
Happy Wednesday to you from Malaysia! :)

Hop on over to check out my Ben peeking back at you!

Unknown said...

Congrats to the couple!

Night Owl Mama said...

awww what a sweet post. Great pictures yes you both look in love. Luv the big smile

Anonymous said...

They do look so much in love. I hope you end up with a dress you can use again.

Sandra Collins said...

those smiles say it all

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

They are in love all right. Great smiles.

Jodi said...

Very cool pictures!

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

AWWWWW - sooo sweet! nothing like the love of a freshly engaged couple. :) (Good luck on the bridesmaid dress!)

Traci Michele said...

Adorableness! I love new love!

This is my first time here... I love it. I'm now a new follower. Come follow me back when you get a chance? Hugs, Traci

kailani said...

Congratulations to a beautiful couple!

Vered said...

Awww she's gorgeous! Ahh, young love...

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