Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crib FAIL.

More WW here & here.


Krista Neil said...

Man girl, bumpers would solve that problem :)

Jessie said...

I found you through wordless wednesday and this seriously made me laugh!! I'm forwarding this to my husband ;)

cindy w said...

HA! That's awesome! I love those little flexed baby feet!

Bumpers wouldn't even necessarily help you here. When my baby girl was determined, she'd just smoosh the bumpers down with her feet in order to get her legs through the slats. I could never let her sleep like that, though. I kept worrying she'd wake up & think she was trapped and freak out. No unnecessary childhood trauma, please!

amanda @ Rambling of an Empty Mind said...

I honestly took me a second, I thought I was looking at two different pictures side by side. I think it's time for bed (for me). :)

kt moxie said...

Love it! It took me a minute, too. Wait -- where are those baby's feet??? Oh... Silly baby!

alicia said...

What a funny pic. It's amazing how they can sleep thru anything. Drop by my linky party at http://weloveiowa.blogspot.com/2010/06/not-so-wordless-wednesday-boys-will-be.html

Anonymous said...

My kids used to do that all the time too! They must squirm around a lot before they fall asleep!

Best wishes,

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Bumpers aren't considered safe anymore so don't turn to those. We put our baby in a sleep sac to sleep (a baby sleeping bag) which is safer than a blanket and keeps their feet from falling through the slats.

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said...

Ha! Hilarious! Well done.

WW Kitten Naming Contest

Erin said...

Ohhh that happened to my oldest too, I was so worried...even with bumpers, but nothing ever happened!

Ma.links said...

Hehe cute.

kailani said...

I used bumpers but my baby's feet still found it's way through the bars. LOL!

Maureen said...

OMG too cute LOL! Yet he's sleeping so peacefully! Love this!

Anonymous said...

wow, that must be really uncomfortable!

Crystal Rae said...

yeah seriously. GOODNESS. LOL.

Dumb Mom said...

That's comedy. He's gonna be a pill to sleep with when he gets older! My middle son is notorious for sleeping sideways in the bed which is why I've banned him from mine. The feet in the back all night are SO not cool!

Prasti said...

haha! that's pretty funny. glad he can still sleep through it, though!

Erin said...

You need bumpers!
That is THE BEST.

Jocelyn said...

Oh my goodness, what a very cute picture. Some little ones are on the go quite early :-)


The Flight of the Moody Family said...

too cute

Anonymous said...

soo cute and funny!
Mariposa's WW!

Unknown said...

That is so cute! Funny how he looks so comfy too! Happy Wednesday!

Tayarra said...

That's adorable!

Kelly Tirman said...

been there :)
totally cute.

Sleep sacks are the only thing I know that solves this problem. bumpers didn't stop our baby for hanging her feet out.

Jennifer Lavender said...

I love this! Reminds me so much of what happens in my house and why we gave up on cribs altogether.

Stacy Uncorked said...

That's way too funny! At first I thought it was a baby doll in the crib, you know, not real! :) Princess Nagger was a sideways sleeper, too - we had nights like that! :)

WW: Dinosaur Store

mamammelloves said...

My son did the same thing. We used the "breathable bumpers", and he would still push them down to get his arms or his legs through. He moves a lot while he's sleeping, and apparently his crib was not big enough for him! ;)

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

That's hilarious! I love that he slept through it all. And the chub on his legs? Love it! Your boys are handsome little guys.
Thanks for stopping by and linking up. Hope you had a fabulous WW. Sorry for stopping by a day late.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

Tabitha Blue said...

Hahaha, that is too funny! The best part is him sleeping right through it. :)

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