This is the obligatory picture with Daddy before leaving. Jonathan really wanted to go too. I may have tricked him by sending him to the bedroom to fill his backpack. Ouch. Mean mommy. Don't worry, Jonathan had a very special day while Casey was at school. Complete with lemonade.
Quick picture with Mommy (that's me) before heading out. Yeh. I'm hot. No make-up, shower wet hair and chipped toe nail polish. I didn't really meet any other moms doing the pick-up drop-off thing, but I did learn that yoga pants are totally okay to wear in public. This makes me happy.
Casey did great when I dropped him off. A little bit shy, but he really seemed to like his teachers. He showed off his "rescue-pack" and was very excited to find the cubby labeled "CASEY". He had me take him to the bathroom, then asked whether I could stay to play. When I said 'no' he gave me a kiss good-bye and dove into the legos. I left and was mildly insulted that he didn't throw at least a small tantrum on my behalf.
Naturally, I raced home and logged onto the school's webcam. I couldn't find him anywhere, until Hubs pointed out a sad little boy being carried around by the teacher. It tugged on my heartstrings a bit, but was so much better than seeing him have a full blown fit. Wes wanted to race to the rescue, but I knew Casey would recover.
Later we checked again and he was hiding behind the teacher's skirt. Later still, he was sitting at a table all on his own while the class had a lesson on the floor. But finally, in the afternoon... integration! Playing with other kids! Coloring! Crafting! Yay!
When I arrived to pick up, he was walking down the hallway with his teacher and another little boy. He was all smiles and excited to tell me about his day. The legos! The playground! The coloring! But then I asked about lunch, and the other little boy answered "He didn't like his lunch! Casey didn't eat ANYTHING!" So, I asked Casey myself and he said, "I just cried a little bit and then I was okay. I'm hungry for food in the car." That kind of broke my heart.
He was all smiles though and talking about coming back to see his teacher and friends on Wednesday. So, I totally considered it a success.
Now, he's decided he doesn't want to go anymore.
So. Wish us luck on that.
p.s. click on the picture if you're not sure which one is mine.
p.p.s. More WW here & here.
The first few day is totally the hardest. It does get better, but it's never all the way easy.
Wesley took to Kindergarten in the same way, he said he wanted to go back and for the first couple of weeks, he would ask me if he had to go back. Its such a change for our little guys, and of course they aren't so sure how to handle it. but in the end Wesley seems to love going now, and hopefully Casey will too.
I am very upset by what you did to JJ (probably more than he is, but ask my mom, I still remember when she sent me to "get my shoes" and left me with the sitter)
As for Casey, if it makes you feel better, Chase spent half his first day of school under the table refusing to talk to teachers or kids and he's fine now :o)
I am very upset by what you did to JJ (probably more than he is, but ask my mom, I still remember when she sent me to "get my shoes" and left me with the sitter)
As for Casey, if it makes you feel better, Chase spent half his first day of school under the table refusing to talk to teachers or kids and he's fine now :o)
i loved your post. i have been waiting since monday to see what you would write. hmmm.....looking forward to tomorrows post! loved the webcam photos. the whole account of his day was touching. love you all
So hard at first! It gets easier. Webcam at school....I'd be watching it all day. Very cool.
Awwww... poor baby. I would be watching that web cam all day long too!
I would be watchig all day too. I bet he was starving.
I'd be OBSESSED with the webcam so kinda glad we don't have that at our school. Hopefully he will be all for it when it's time to go back. My #2 loathed school and all it stood for and it took at least 6 months for him to stop running from the class. He's over it now and has friends and a girlfriend and all of the normal stuff preschoolers like to have.
That's so cool that you can see him on a web cam. Since my son has been in the county school system we don't get that luxury. He's been in the school since he turned three. I'm glad Casey gave it a try and was so brave. Doesn't it make you smile?
A WEB CAM! I feel old cause all I want to say is "Well I never...."
A great idea though!
A web cam! Cool! Wish Princess Nagger's school had that! :) It's a bittersweet day that first day of school. And PN had that same scenario of not wanting to go back after having a great time - it does get easier, and he won't be (as) resistant to going. :)
WW: Earth Day and Dinosaurs
Love the web cam! It does suck to see them upset, but he'll be fine after a few more drop offs. The boys are growing up so fast.
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