Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Super Mom! .... For the Day, At Least.

I may not be a Professional Mom, but I'm pretty sure I totally rocked yesterday. The proof is in the pudding:
  • All three kids napped (at the same time!)
  • All three kids were dressed (in daytime clothes!) before 2PM
  • I took all three kids out to lunch (Huey Magoos!) to meet my sister
  • I took all three kids grocery shopping (by myself!) and remembered (almost!) everything
  • All three kids were in bed (and sleeping!) before 730PM
  • I cleaned the shower (with bleach!) and wrote this blog post.
So, what does all this awesomeness mean? Today will probably blow.
Rocking the biggest grocery cart ever made. It's like the Cadillac of grocery carts.
More WW here & here.


Ana Degenaar said...

Good job super mommy!

Liz Mays said...

Your mom skills are off the chart!

fidget said...

nice! My house is going to look like hell today and I know that you are polite enough to pretend that you dont notice :) but srsly- with BLEACH? Totally rock star.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Your Super Mom skills ROCK! :) Maybe the adrenaline will make this day turn out awesome, too... ;)

Erin said...

AHAH! I wondered who used those carts!

The Turkstra's said...

You are my hero!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! Great job!!!!


Jen said...

Yup, you are totally rocking the Mommy goodness.

Jen said...

Oh and I also think that this means that you are totally ready to try for that little girl. ;)

Ali said...

I bow down to you! THREE kids in a grocery store? I won't even attempt 2!

Ashley said...

Wow! I'm impressed! That takes care of the kids - Now where is your cart for the groceries?!? haha!

Claremont First Ward said...

I call that pretty darn super!

Crystal Rae said...

You rock. I aspire to be a mom that juggle all these things just like you! Although, I only aspire to have 2 kids. LOL.:P

The Stiletto Mom said...

That is seriously impressive. I used to be thrilled with myself if I got out of the house without spit up all over me, you've raised the bar!

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Jennifer said...

I've seen those grocery carts! I forgot all about them, they actually aren't too bad...slightly easier to steer than the car cart!

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