Monday, October 5, 2009

Manic Monday... The Klassy Parenting Edition.

First I heard something...

[giggle, giggle... shuffle, shuffle, creak, *belly laugh*]

Then I tweeted something...

Then I yelled something...

"Grumble, grumble... be good... grumble grumble... better not be a mess... grumble grumble"

Finally, I found something...


fidget said...

bwhahahahahhaha I have to say you are luck though. In my house thy would be pitching toys and barrettes into the toilet

Jessica said...

that is klassy...with a "k"!

Erin said...

Again, so glad to see other almost 3s getting into trouble.

Jen said...

LOL! Hey, at least they tried to clean up.

Unknown said...

I am not laughing I am not laughing...okay i am soooo laughing!!!

but look how cute he is doing it!

SeekerofGrace said...

HAHAHA! One year later, still hilarious!

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