In anticipation of our annual January family photo shoot. And, true to form, he refused to smile. At all. Whatsoever.

Can you believe how much we've grown?!

p.s. Our pictures are taken every year by JRegan Photography. She's awesome. And I promise she did not pay me to say that. But she does babysit sometimes. Which is also awesome.
p.p.s. Even more pictures here if you didnt' get your fill.
Very nice photo layout...your sitter er photographer does a good job. Our girl is hard to get a smile out of too, she always wants the camera.
Post about a bike "accident"...check it out if you have time.
Nice pix April. You look really pretty.
It looks like you shook a smile out of him ;)
I love seeing pictures together over the years. What a beautiful family.
Hes so cute though
At least he's consistent! And cute enough not to have to smile!
I love the photos, such a beautiful family.
Seriously cute! My oldest loves haircuts now but his first real haircut was awful--he screamed his head off!
GREAT family photo! You have VERY pretty eyes April!
oh, he's precious even though he isn't smiling. both of your little blondies are just adorable.
that's one good looking family. what a great tradition... the yearly photo shoot.
your sister is really talented.
Good work! And he is cute even if he does not smile!
Hey! Your sis does good work!
And you found the trick...if they dont smile, turn 'em upside down!
Great tribute and referral!!
PS - You have a beautiful family, too. ;-)
He looks so stoic! You have the most beautiful family...hugs...!
Beautiful photos, despite the non-smiler! You have a gorgeous family.
And in case I haven't told you lately, you are HOT!
Love the pics! :) Cute family. Sorry haven't commented lately. Been MIA for the past two weeks due to the wifes ear surgery! blah! finally back to normal
I know you're in FLA, but it still freaks me out to see grass in January. We're heading into a weekend of -17C (that's about 2F!).
hi! i linked to your blog from the stiletto mom. your family is adorable and so are you! LOVE your salvation army photo - that is too funny!
I love the pictures April! it's amazing how much your family changes year to year...just you wait! I look back on my girls early pics, and I'm like, were they really that small.....they are 16 this year.YIKES!
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