Friday, January 30, 2009

Year of the Mom.

Ok, so I tried to write this post once before, but it became about the kids and the family. As things are wont to do when you're a Mom. But this time. This time, it's about Mom. Sort-of.

The year 2009 will be 'The Year of the Mom'. Really. (Well, I'm hoping.) I mean, what's more mom-like than having kids? As those of you who follow my tweets know, we've been trying to get pregnant again for the last several months. Yesterday was another let down.

But I've decided to take it in stride. Clearly, the universe is telling me I am not prepared for another baby. So, I cooked one hundred Southwest Eggrolls for the freezer. I added it to my twelve loaves of French Bread and three meals of Italian Beef. Next week I will make enough Green Bean Chicken Casserole and Spinach Artichoke Dip to feed the Duggars. Because, not having to worry about dinner is about the best gift you can give a Mom. So, I'm gifting it to myself. Thank you, Self.

By the way, Self? If I'm prepared by next month, may I have another baby?

button for MU

Oh yeh. And I'm going to paint my toenails at least once a week. Because painted toenails are awesome and they make me feel pretty.

p.s. Remember how I said you could win one of my scarves?

p.p.s. Don't forget to check in on Monday, so you can enter to win an Aromatherapy Kit. (Talk about taking good care of yourself!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Tribute to My Sidekicks.

Thanks, kiddos, for making me a Mommy!

p.s. Want to win one of my fabulous scarves? Stay tuned to this gal, and you'll have a chance, very soon!

p.p.s. Want to win an Aromatherapy Kit? On Monday I'll have my first ever giveaway! Ok, that's not technically true. But it's my first ever giveaway where people will actually want what I'm offering.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Stuck in a Holding Pattern.

I am finally back to normal. (Thanks to everyone for the well wishes!) Now, though, Hubs and the boys are sick. Wesley is feeling terrible (stuffy nose, sore throat, etc.) but the boys are just a little sniffly. Despite the colds, we hit the zoo today so Hubs could have a quiet house, and the boys had a blast. The weather was great; very warm (borderline hot!), so I let them play in the splash zone before we left. They were in *heaven*! I took a few shots on my cell phone camera, but haven't sent them to the computer yet. Hopefully I got some good pictures.

As is Murphy's Law, the kids were angels all afternoon and went to bed like champs, but because I was trying to be diligent and make a bajillion (ok, maybe like twelve) loaves of bread for the freezer, and Hubs was going to bed super early, JJ has been up screaming and crying every hour. And he will NOT calm down for me. Awesome.

Sorry for the crapass rambling post. It may disappear tomorrow when I'm coherent enough to regret hitting 'publish'.

Mommy & Jonathan - One Year Ago

Daddy & Casey - One Year Ago

Casey - Two Years Ago!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Few Things...

I'm still suffering from the effing stomach bug. Thursday was the worst. And, go figure, we awoke to no power and a crisp temperature of 26 degrees. So me and my stomach bug had to drag the kids to my sisters until our power returned. But not before scraping the ice off my car windows. 'Cause it's not like we live in FLORIDA or anything.

The ice queen. She's such a diva.

A (very) fine misting of snow.

Fortunately Hubs didn't have class in the afternoon, so he took off work and corralled the minibeasts so I could lay in the fetal position and moan to myself without (too much) interruption. I'm a little better today, but probably not tomorrow. You know. Because I just said that out loud.

Jonathan trekking through the wilds of our dining room.


p.s. StilettoMom loved her custom scarf. So much that she's asked for a second! And she honored me on her blog. There's also some random side note about her kid and 911 or something. But, you know, mostly it's me.

p.p.s. On Friday, Dad and I took the boys to the zoo. And Casey still loves him some cow.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Tribute to My Sister. Photographer Extraordinaire.

On Saturday, Casey suffered through a haircut.

In anticipation of our annual January family photo shoot. And, true to form, he refused to smile. At all. Whatsoever.

Can you believe how much we've grown?!

p.s. Our pictures are taken every year by JRegan Photography. She's awesome. And I promise she did not pay me to say that. But she does babysit sometimes. Which is also awesome.

p.p.s. Even more pictures here if you didnt' get your fill.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wear Often, Wash Well, Pass On.

That (or something really similar) is what it says inside several of my kids' clothes from Old Navy. I love Old Navy by the way. In case you were curious. In case you wanted to buy me presents. Or in case you are Mr. or Mrs. Old Navy and you'd like to strike up an advertising deal. I love you. Really.

Casey in the cart at Salvation Army.

Where was I? Right, pass it on... We do this. Primarily through AmVets or Sav-A-Child (because they pick up) but also with Salvation Army and Goodwill. We also are frequent shoppers at Salvation Army (Wednesday is half off all clothing!), as I can't see purchasing clothes for full price when there are racks upon racks of perfectly good (great!) clothes for a small fraction of the cost. And all the money I spend goes to good (great!). We also do yard sales, estate sales and craigslist. Religiously. I figure, it stimulates the local economy. Like the one in my house. Hah! And it's good to pay it forward.

I think I lost my train of thought again. Woot! All aboard! Although, maybe you want to get off here. Crazy's not too far down the line.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Around Town.

Yesterday I hit Toys-R-Us and The Florida Mall with the boys. I know, I know. Why, ever, would I go into Toys-R-Us with two small children. Because I'm stupid. Period.

He didn't get a choo-choo, but vinyl kickballs were on sale 3 balls for $2. Score.

We saw more interesting tourists at the mall.

And JJ decided he wants to be a trucker.

Today we went to Winter Park for the afternoon.
I should've brought all three kickballs.

At night we've started reading books as opposed to watching television.
(I know, parenting genius).
JJ's REALLY into it.

And the boys do love their baths.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just In Case You Were Wondering...

- My house smells like a broccoli fart.

- JJ has contracted my stomach virus and, as much as I like poop, it is starting to gross me out.

- Casey has discovered his pockets.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Tribute to the Science Center.

For the orange grove!

For the building block station!

For the auto body shop!

For the beach box!

But (especially) for the tourists!!!

p.s. Click HERE to keep me on top!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Speechless Sunday.

So, apparently Face doesn't think diapers are necessary for choo-choo play. Sweet. I told him no diaper means he's a big boy and can use the potty. Heh. He jumped off the john like it was laden with hot coals. I'm thinking toilet training will be a blast.

p.s. new stuff.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am an Adulterer. Sort-of, not really.

I cheated on our zoo. Last month while visiting my parents we hit Miami's Metro Zoo, and then last week I took the boys to the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne. Fun times! Don't feel too bad for our zoo though, we made a visit on Wednesday.

Metro Zoo:

Brevard Zoo:

Sanford Zoo:

p.s. Check out this yummy soup!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Easiest Holiday Clean-Up. Pretty Much Ever.

My secret to easy holiday clean-up? Don't host.

This year we went to my parents' home in south Florida. In the morning we opened gifts with immediate family and in the afternoon we trekked (a whole quarter mile) to (my) grandma and grandpa's for more presents and dinner. Everyone was in great holiday spirits, but especially Hubs and me because Ms. Izzie was herself again.

Christmas eve was spent debating whether to take her to the emergency pet hospital. (We think) she ate cigarette butts at the park and, as a result, was acting seriously whacky. Like walking into walls, limping, and twitching. It was awful. I called the animal hospital a few times, but there was a long wait and the 'holiday emergency fee' was $200 up front. It was a tough choice, but my dad (who is a doctor and repeatedly examined Ms. Izzie) talked me out of the trip. I thanked him in the morning.

Me: Thanks for saving me a buttload of money, Dad.
You were right, she just needed time to get whatever it was out of her system.

Dad: This would be a very different conversation if you woke up with a dead dog in your bed.

Me: Merry Christmas to you too.

So, what was my point? Oh, yeh. Don't host the holidays. It's totally not worth the mess. We didn't even put up a tree.

Pictures from christmas morning:

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