Friday, November 28, 2008

Are You Ready For The Apocalypse?

I know, I know, totally morbid title. But, I have this recurring dream where we (a.k.a. me, wherever I happen to be at that moment, and whomever else is near me) are hit by a meteor or a nuke. It's a horrible dream. I wake up just as we're blasted - out of breath, completely panicked and tangled in my sheets.

This dream has been made worse of late because I am reading Kurt Vonnegut's 'A Man Without a Country.' He alternately talks about nuclear holocaust, his white hot hatred of capitalism, and drugs. Aside from Vonnegut's undeniably skilled writing, there's not much good I can say for the book. It must be a little bit decent, though, because as much as I dislike it, I cannot bring myself to stop reading. Fortunately it's a short book.

Casey's first self-portrait.

Do you want it when I'm done? Let me know in the comments. If more than one of you want the book, I'll use that randomizerdohickywebamajigger to pick someone. Make sure to leave me your email. It's not a contest so much as I don't even want the book in my house anymore. I'll be done with it tonight and if more than one of you pipe up, then I'll do the picking & shipping sometime on Monday. U.S. addresses only, please.

p.s. What are you reading?


Unknown said...

That's one of my favorites. I'm of a dark humor though and have always been a fan of Vonnegut's.

Jenni said...

Maybe I am scared of that book...

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting but like mentioned before a bit scary ..will look into it

The Stiletto Mom said...

Twilight. Can you believe it? I am so not a trail blazer.

Erin said...

Wait- did you start ANOTHER turkey tonite????

motherbumper said...

Soooooo what book are you starting next? (I'd enter but I'm in Canada) I'm between books right now.

BTW - I'm glad you bothered. The self portrait brought it to a whole other level.

Brittany said...

I can relate, I am up from a much needed nap, having jumped awake in a panic:( At least I can use the time to get caught up on my blogs!

Ash said...

I'm so with you. Why I haven't read "The Road" either.

I've got enough worries, thanks. I'd get that thing out of the house as fast as possible too!


I read books. said...

Ol' Kurt always makes for pretty odd dreams!

Karla aka Ditzy said...

What I have read of Vonnegut has always disturbed and yet entertained me....though I am almost in a constant state of "disturbed" If it is a good read I would be glad to take it off your hands...and if need be will cycle on to another reader. Currently I am in a Sci Fi book by Tad Williams Otherland I believe it is titled but since I have become a "bathroom" reader since my LO now tears up everything with paper, I forget the acutal title form time to time!!

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