Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Ides of... October.

I intended writing a thoughtful, eloquent and substantive post. BUT... hubs dragged me away from the computer for some Adult Time, during which we turned off the baby monitors (something we NEVER FREAKING DO). It seemed safe enough, though, I mean, really, they so very very rarely get up in the middle of the night. And it'll only be a couple few minutes.

Alas, I forgot about Murphy's Law and upon re-entering the kitchen my office, I was greeted by harrowing screams sprinkled liberally with heaving sobs. Little Face has a stuffy nose (please, oh please let it be allergies) and his lack of nasal function apparently woke him up and kept him from getting back to sleep. Needless to say, a sippy cup of apple juice, lots of cuddles and one Blue's Clues later, he's back in bed and I've lost the will to write.

So, without further ado, here's my 'Day In The Life Of' picture montage. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

That sleeping face is too cute. I want to smoosh his cheeks but I won't. I'm going to have to steal your paper airplane idea, that looked like fun!

Anonymous said...

It never fails to amaze me how bad timing can be!
I love all of your photos!

Suzie said...

I find I sleep much better with the monitor turned off. Did I say that? bad mommy bad!

Tabitha Blue said...

So true!!!! It never fails that a little someone likes to wake up when we want Adult Time!! LOL

Such cute pics... I adore those squeezable, kissable cheeks.... the baby's I mean :)


Erin said...

1. Your mom's hair looks really cute!
2. Jeans and no shirt? Really?
; )
Wanna come over for din-din 2nite??

Anonymous said...

you have a beautiful family!

Meaghan said...

WOW great pictures and awesome family


Pennies In My Pocket said...

Ahhhhh 'adult time' ...............
Oh sorry, where was I? I just had the best daydream ever! LOL

OK, I can't stand these photos. Seriously! Your little pumpkins are adorable!! Those cheeks!

I hope it's just allergies. Stuffy-ness is NO fun!


Michelle said...

Cute pictures and I love the funny!

Anonymous said...

you have such a beautiful family. :)

April said...

@ casey: they had a blast with the airplanes. until casey brought it inside and dipped it in the dog's water bowl. hehe.

@ lynne: truly. and, thank you!

@ suzie: haha! i wish i could, i'm much too paranoid.

@ tabitha: haha! Thanks, Tabitha!!!

@ erin: yes please, and thank you. i am really enjoying your cooking bug.

@ jlt: thank you!

@ meaghan: thank you!

@ melody: i'm thinking it's not allergies. which blows. but you know that... hope your daydream was good ;-)

@ michelle: thanks - i'm never sure if they're actually funny, or just to me!

@ paula: thank you!

Raquel said...

What a nice and happy family you have there. I didn't know that there's a mirror like that. I wish I knew this before but my daughter is about to change her car seat.

Oh, I like those fat chicks.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful montage! I really enjoyed looking at it. You take great pictures.

April said...

raquel: fat chicks?

1stopmom: oh, thank you!!!

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