Monday, September 22, 2008

This is what happens when I take a nap...

Wes thinks this is hilarious. I think he's created a monster. Your thoughts?

P.S. Answers to "Who's Your Mama": 1. Tyra Banks & Portia DiRossi 2. Tom Cruise & Sarah Palin 3. Jennifer Aniston & Angelina Jolie 4. Kate Beckensale & Selma Hayek 5. Miley Cyrus & George Clooney 6. Liv Tyler & Jennifer Connelly 7. Brad Pitt & Ellen Degeneres


Jessica said...

It makes me think of the two of us when we were little...except boys

sallymwoods said...

it makes me:

1. feel so badly for jonathan!
2. think casey might be a dentist...
3. and laugh.

April said...

dentist, eh? haha :-)

diane woods said...

i agree with's hilarious. i laughed harder as the video continued. he, he, he

April said...

Well, I'm glad you can find humor in my suffering ;-)

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing is that the baby never cries. Mine would scream if you took his pappy away.

April said...

he's very easy going. the older one, not so much.

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