Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Little Mexican Goodness

After the 'rents left yesterday afternoon, we met up with the DiCarolis family at Tijuana Flats for an early dinner. After eating we let the boys play with their toy cars by the fountain. I'm LOVING this cool (ok, it's still hot, but at least it's not stifling) weather!


Anonymous said...

Oh, we love Tijuana Flats. I think I need it for dinner after having seen pics of you guys there, thanks!
I'm still out of town but we fly back in a couple of hours and I can't wait to see the coolish FL weather. Way better than getting drenched walking to the mailbox.

Becky said...

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog!!!

Your kids are adorable!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

OK, can those kids get ANY cuter? They are ADORABLE!! Great photos! Oh and I'm so ready for FALL to come...done with the hot hot hot!

Thanks for coming by my blog! Your comment cheered me're awesome! :-)


April said...

thanks becky, thanks melody!!!

Anonymous said...

You have a terrific blog, and cute children.

April said...

thanks roberta!

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