Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy (DECADE!) Anniversary to Us!

Wedding Pictures

Seems like I ought to say something poignant for the big Ten. Year. Mark.  But really - we're still in love, holding on tight, and slightly out of focus.  

p.s. Do not skip the video.  Seriously.

EPCOT for stephen's third birthday 

p.s.s. We met in college Spanish class.  Sometimes I wore a short plaid skirt.  Wesley really liked that.  My Aunt Rhonda didn't care for Wesley.  Now she loves him.  The officiant really did get a phone call in the middle of our vows. Yes, that's my real OB.  It's not actually *that* easy for me to get pregnant.

{Can you stand it? Join the family for even MORE bonding time!
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Patty said...

LOVE IT! You are so lucky to have such a great family...I mean, you wouldn't have it any other way, so maybe not so much luck? Congratulations!

anymommy said...

You are amazing and hilarious. Happy anniversary!

katherinemary said...

Pure Awesomeness. Love it!!

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