Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Casey Turned Six and His Birthday was Practically Neverending.

Casey's Birthday in Gainesville

Casey sure did luck out this year.  First he jointly celebrated his birthday with cousin Ellie and my parents at Universal Studios.  Then he celebrated again with Welsey's parents in Gainesville, and finally, we visited the gator park as his birthday choice.  

This guy continues to amaze us.  He's doing wonderfully in school - in fact they're considering jumping him to first grade in January! - he's still quite obsessed with Star Wars (picked out a blue light saber as his birthday gift!) and has continued with his dare devil streak.  

What I assumed was a one-time bout of courage with the zip lining for his 5th birthday has turned out to be Casey's very nature.  Thusly proven by his dragging us on the kiddie roller coasters so many times that we all felt quite green and had to say 'no more!'  And then at the gator place he insisted on sticking around for the opportunity to hold an alligator.  Ack.

So, Happy Birthday Casey.   We love you beyond reason.

Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Casey's Birthday in Gainesville
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday
Gator Park for Casey's Bday

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