Friday, September 7, 2012

Castles in the Sand.

Working at the New House

Are you completely annoyed that the only thing I ever talk about anymore is the renovation?  Yeh, me too.  But it's pretty much all consuming.  Sorry 'bout that.  Sometimes I don't even want to be in the room with myself. 

Working at the New House

Well, as much as it feels like the only thing going on is the renovation, we actually continue to live life as usual.  Just adding the house stuff on top.  Kind of like those drip mounds you made on the beach as a kid.  Drip, just one more little thing, drip, oh here's another, drip, don't forget about this, drip... until the whole shebang collapses under it's own weight.  Like that.

Working at the New House

We worked on the yard this past weekend.  Okay, Wesley and our friends' boys worked on the yard.  I set up an outdoor rug and tried my best to keep the little kids from killing themselves and/or each other.  Also I did some raking.  The front of the house is starting to take shape and I'm getting increasingly more excited about choosing paint colors and flowers.  

Working at the New House

Wesley's parents also visited this weekend.  But because I seriously have an entirely single tracked mind at the moment, I only thought to whip out my camera when we were working on the house.  After they left.  I suck at life these days.  We had a really nice time though.  Promise.

Working at the New House

Today the bathroom floor was poured and tomorrow they're setting the tub.  Next week comes drywall and then my house will actually start resembling something livable.  October first is the move-in goal, but I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I was exceedingly skeptical of that deadline.

Working at the New House

After drywall comes kitchen and bathroom cabinets.  Then paint and flooring.  Electrical outlets and switches, also somewhere in there a new roof and counter-tops.  The pool won't happen until after we've taken up residence, thanks to this uber duber wet summer.  Which is a bummer, but also I'm kind of excited about watching them dig it.

Working at the New House

Kindergarten is still awesome for Casey and a major pain in the tuchus for me. He just adores the daily 'specials' - particularly art class. But, I did recently overhear him complain to our sitter that regular class is boring.  I won't lie, if he asked me to pull him out of school it would be done before day's end.  Spending an extra $60 on gas every week and ten or so hours in the car with three miserable siblings for him to 'learn' things he's known for two years is annoying.  Or, Ahhhhh. Noyyyyy. Innnnng, as my two year old would say.

Working at the New House

And to top it all off, Jo is running one of those scary fevers tonight.  The kind where you wonder in the back of your mind whether you're going to regret not taking her into the doctor.  These things always happen at 3am or the end of the week.  She spiked last night but then was fine during the day today, of course right before bed she turned into a little hot potato again.  We gave it a one, two punch of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and no midnight ER runs.

If you're just tuning in follow these steps: 1. the house we left, 2. the house we bought, 3. the house we destroyed, and this post is number 4. yard work is hard work.

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