Friday, June 1, 2012

Is It Football Season Yet?

When I told Wesley we were having a mosquito-free party, he was super excited.  When I told him we were using the Cutter Zone Defense he was elated.  He grabbed the bottle of yard treatment and went tearing out of the house!  A few minutes later I popped my head outside to see how it was going.  And this is what I discovered:

cutter football

Poor guy, he just can't wait for football season.  On the plus side, now that the yard is treated, he'll be able to enjoy two full months of bug free pick-up games.  Woot woot!


[Oh hey!  This is post two out of three of those sponsored posts I warned you about.  Not sure what I'm talking about?  Go back in time and check out post #1Cutter graciously provided me with product and a stipend for our super duper bug-free party.  Next up?  My kids as bug repelling super heroes!]

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Julie -- Julieverse at Just Precious said...

LOL! love that image! that was fabulous. we would LOVE a bug-free party. that's, like, a dream

Jen said...

Ok, that photo is awesome!

Lorie Huston said...

A funny-looking football but whatever works, right? LOL

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