Sunday, April 1, 2012

I've Always Wanted to Announce a Real Pregnancy on April Fools Day.

Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch

I have this habit of daring myself to do things. I don't know why it works, but it does. A little psychobabble in my own head and I'm off to the races. It started as early as elementary school, but possibly before that even. I don't really remember. I do clearly recall sitting in my fifth grade class daring myself to raise my hand and give an answer. I dared myself to move to Colorado after graduation. Later I would dare myself to apply for law school. And later still I would ask my (now) husband on a date.

I think Casey does this too. He spent the large majority of the neighborhood Spring Brunch staring at the face painting board and telling anyone who would listen that the green tiger was the very best option - but just not for him. Then, as the face painter was packing up to leave, Casey shouted "I AM going to get my face painted! The GREEN TIGER!" And so he did. And it was magical.

In fact, he's still wearing that face paint a day later.

Rawr, kiddo.


Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch
Tiger Boys at Spring Brunch

{Can you stand it? Join the family for even MORE bonding time!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that is some pretty amazing face painting right there! :D

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