Friday, February 24, 2012

Fone it in Phriday.

Shopping for a food blog + family of 6 + baby in cart = RIDICULOUS.Stuffed peppers here we come!Holy deliciousness, batman. How have I never made stuffed peppers before?! #food #cooking #recipeBaby burrito.Testosterone just doesn't get any cuter. #rightnowtheyareallpeeinginthebushesLunch time at house o' boys.New park! And sissy's rocking the sling :-DIt's not a proper weekend without a dinosaur hunt!Rocking the high hair in a hoodie. #sistaknowswhatsupShe's killing me with all this growing up!!!Rogue knights spotted aisle 12.Seriously, #TopChef??? This is supposed to be a cooking competition. #lameCurrent obsession: frozen grapes.Bedtime stories with grandpa.Happy baby!Fone it in Phriday.
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1 comment:

Heather said...

I am utterly addicted to Istagram!!! I spend more time on that than Facebook...I even find that when I am on Facebook, I try to double click my friends pictures to "like" it, then I realize I'm not on Istagram. I just looked you up and followed (my user name is heathermarie3073).

Just curious, I wanted to start something on my blog as well, where I could post my Instagram pic's, I was wondering if this was something you do yourself, or is it something others can do (Fone it in Phriday).

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