Friday, August 26, 2011

My Cousin Was Recently Lamenting Her Lack of Dancing Skillz. I Thought This Might Make Her Feel Better.

April and Casey dancing at wedding
Circa 1998. So, from the archives, admittedly. But I can assure you that while my love for dancing has increased, my abilities have not. My sincere apologies to anyone who has or will witness this in person. And my sincere gratitude to those who have refrained from taking similar pictures or video in the last thirteen years.


Anonymous said...


The wine is on its way pregnant momma...the day after you have bambino. LOL


Pam (@iwriteinbooks) said...

Oh, hello, this just made my Friday.

Erin said...

you are sooo not 8 years old in this pic. this is a teenage april and a pre-pube casey.
don't lie......
more like 1998 than 1988.

Casey said...

only thing worse than the dancing? the retarded look on our faces, wow.

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