Monday, August 15, 2011

By The By, We've Been Doing This For Three Years Now! And By "We" I Mean "Me" and By "This" I Mean "Blogging"

Fire Fest at the History Center
It's a bit unreal that I've been boring you with my inane drivel for three full years now. To be fair, I do not promise interesting content, and I feel confident that I've delivered well within my anticipated parameters of zero expectation publishing. With that in mind, hey look! We took the boys to a Fire Festival at the History Center! It wasn't nearly as spectacular as it sounds!
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
There were three fire engines and two bored fire fighters. It was hot. The boys looked at the fire engines for about .3 minutes and wanted to move on. Casey didn't even leave the stroller. Fire Festival fail.

Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
The gator statues outside the History Center were infinitely cooler than the fire trucks. Wrestling, taming, and eventually kissing ensued.

Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
Jonathan has officially adopted Stephen as his "Little Buddy." It's quite possibly the cutest thing ever. And I feel confident it will result in at least one concussion.

Fire Fest at the History Center
The kids craft was well meaning, but lame. Firefighter badges that promptly fell apart and stabbed you in the arm. Also, the "special member snack table" had every kind of cookie except chocolate chip. How are you supposed to explain that to the kids?

Fire Fest at the History Center
Fire Fest at the History Center
All's well ends well, though, because the video gaming exhibit was extended through the weekend and devoid of other patrons. Score.


Pam (@iwriteinbooks) said...

Aw, concussions are what brotherly love is all about, right?

Ali said...

Congrats on the 3 year mark--I still think this blogging thing is so much better than scrapbooking!

Malia said...

happy blogiversary!!

You're family is so beautiful & I love your baby bump in the elevator photo!

DaniVeras said...

OMG, I miss them. They are so irresistibly cute!!

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

Until this, I've felt bad for having never gone to the History Center.

Unknown said...

No chocolate chip? Yeah, that's just wrong.

Unknown said...

Oh and Happy Blogoversary!!! Sorry, got distracted by the thought of cookies.... ;)

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