Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Quite Possibly The Biggest Mistake of Our Parenting Careers (Thus Far).

New Bunkbed
IMG_2903New Bunkbed
New Bunkbed
New Bunkbed


The Stiletto Mom said...

My personal favorite is the second picture in which your adorable babeh seems to be begging to be freed into the wild with Daddy and big bro. :)

And yes, you will have hell to pay for this one, I see many superhero efforts being launched from that top bunk....

Erin said...

Whoa. Brave.

Melissa said...

I'm telling you what, we are about to break down and do the same thing. We have 3 boys and the two youngest share a room but I would be willing to try the two oldest together in a bunk bed in a year or two. Good luck! :)

Crystal Rae said...

I think your making a big leap, but a great one. This will help you start teaching responsibility with a big boy bead. And that includes staying in it. :P lol

mrs.notouching said...

Well... best of luck and let us know how that goes :-)

mrs.notouching said...

Well... best of luck and let us know how that goes :-)

The Turkstra's said...

We have the frames waiting in the garage for next year let me know any helpful tips!!

SeekerofGrace said...

HA HA HA! We have bunk beds, but the ladder hooks on and can thus be removed. Alex hasn't been interested in it lately, so somehow the ladder became attached to the bed again (thank you, dh)... today I hear "is he fall? is he jump?" and suddenly realized my 2 year old was speaking about himself in the 3rd person (which he tends to do sometimes) and standing on the precipice ready to jump below. Needless to say, the ladder is back in the closet.

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