Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Three Monkeys at the Zoo.

Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
I *tried* to get one nice picture. Instead,
I got several fun pictures. I'm okay with it.

More WW here & here.


Tabitha Blue said...

I would be okay with it to... they are totally adorable!! :)

Unknown said...

Cutest monkeys I've ever seen at the zoo, for sure! :)

tiarastantrums said...

ha ha - the ever elusive "great" shot!!

Stylist A said...

too cute.. that first picture is priceless. Happy WW!

Retro Girl said...

Trying to get 3 boys to sit still for one good photo....yeah right! lol. hehehe! They're so cute! My fave is the very the facial expressions!

Mines up early too at

alicia said...

Great expressions! And great story you told about three little active boys thru pictures. Love it. Thanks for linkin up!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness! Could your little monkeys possibly get any ?? Stopped by for W.W!

Creative and Curious Kids!

My WW:

Jen said...

oops! I forgot the word cuter! Can your little monkeys possibly get any cuter? I guess it's late and I'm typing too fast. lol

Jodi said...

Adorable!! I love the shots of them not sitting still! :) Really fun! And the facial expression in the last image is priceless!! lol!

Happy WW! Stop by if you get a chance!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

I love how your youngest stays in one spot and the other two seem to keep moving. Boys never stop do they?

PippaD said...

What great photos, and I like that you got lots of good shots of your boys!

Anonymous said...

I love the little ones reactions to the others. They are priceless.

Liz Mays said...

It's fun to see the whole series of photos like this. So cute!

If I Could Escape . . . said...

Love it and I can so relate! it's hard to get a posed, smiling photo of my three boys too!

eileeninmd said...

What a threesome, they are all so cute!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh they are just darling :) They all look so much a like!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

It looks like you captured their personalities - which makes them "nice" pictures, doesn't it? :)

Natalie said...

The pictures are cute and you can tell they were having fun!! Looks like your oldest son is the ham :)

3 boys?! I thought I was busy but you must be going non-stop!

Casey said...

Casey's face in the first and last pics is sooo hysterical!

Lani said...

those are hilarious- love the expressions:)

Real Housewives of Oklahoma said...

Great series of pics!

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