Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This Past Couple of Weeks Have Been Busy. No, Seriously.

1. Casey started preschool.
Casey's First Day of School

2. Jonathan cuddled with Stephen on the couch.
Jonathan & Stephen Cuddling

3. Casey brought home his first art project.
Casey's School Project

4. Stephen bounced and chewed on his hand. With his (two!) new teeth.
Bouncing Baby Stephen

5. Casey fell asleep after preschool.
Preschool is Exhausting

5. We adopted a horse.
Jonathan on the Rocking Horse

6. Wesley and I got all gussied up and went to Meaghan's surprise thirtieth birthday party.
Narcissism is the New Black

7. The big surprise was Bobby (finally!) popping The Question.
Meaghan & Bobby's Engagement

8. Jonathan pouted because Casey went to school without him.
Jonathan at the Mall

9. I tried to sell my mini fridge. (Want it?).
mini fridge

10. We went to our first Saturday Night Supper.
Saturday Night Suppers at Elaine's

11. I tried to sell a pretty rose blanket. (Love it?).
Rose Blanket

12. Casey learned to go to the potty on his own. (Mostly).
Potty Training is Kind of Hilarious

13. We attended a pie festival.
At the Pie Festival

14. Stephen tried ice cream.
Stephen's First Taste of Ice Cream at the Pie Festival

15. I cooked. (A lot).
35 meals for the freezer!  Yay!

16. Stephen grew enough hair for a faux-hawk.
Baby Mohawk

17. Casey quit preschool.
Casey's First Day of School


Casey said...

It's like, I was blog-starved, and now I'm a rich old glutton... yes yes yes! Keep it up, love you!

-T- said...

Not going to lie - my favorite picture is Casey's bare buns at the table. :o) Why no more preschool?

Crystal Rae said...

That's crazy. You are too busy, when do you get to rest. lol

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