Friday, March 5, 2010

Flashback Friday - The Land Before Kids a.k.a. The Orlando Shore.

So I recently did some counting and realized it's (approximately) my ten year anniversary with the Hubster. You know, sometime in March(ish).

Wesley whispering (Summer 2000)
We're practically babies.

I'm really bad at dates (REALLY). I completely forgot Wesley's 26th, and I'm forever having to look at the calendar to be sure of my own kids' birthdays. You would think my BEING THERE and, oh, having sort of a Major Role in the whole three ring circus would help. But, no. I still suck at dates.

Casey's Birthday (November 2006)
It doesn't help that they were born on the 18th, 20th & 21st.

Wesley and I started dating in the dawn of the digital camera.

Wes looking at a polaroid (Summer 2000)
Polaroids were still cool. Not vintage.

When I had jersey nails and he worked out too much.

April with Jersey Nails (Summer 2000)
Snookie would be proud.

wes' boobs (moobs?) (Summer 2000)
Too much muscle = moobs.

We met in Spanish class and bonded over defiling text books with inappropriate thought bubbles and drawings of genitalia.

Wes being inappropriate (Summer 2000)
It was kismet.

We enjoyed the same things.

Hanging out at the apartment (Summer 2000)
Gym. Tan. Laundry.

The birth of something beautiful.

Wes and my feet (Summer 2000)

In other news... I'm going to BlogHer'10. I'm petrified. Are you going? Have you been before? Talk to me!


Anonymous said...

I had Jersey nails when Shawn and I started dating too AND Shawn was a trainer at the YMCA in college. HA! My flashback photos would kill you I'm sure. Really liked this post.


Casey said...

This was a very sweet and enjoyable post, even without the kids, keep up the best blog in the world! Love you!

Erin said...

Heart the new header!
PS- I report back the 2nd of August :(

Jennifer said...

You both do look like babies! (Except for the nails!)

Great header!

And most importantly, YOU ARE GOING TO BLOGHER!! I hope we get a chance to meet!

Pam said...

This is one of the best posts I've ever read. Seriously.

Crystal Rae said...

THanks for sharing memories. That was fun! :P

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

Your nails, put me over the edge...

Yeah for BlogHer!

Unknown said...

Happy 10 Years! Love these pics - I'm laughing at the "boobs" and nails!!

You'll have a great time at BlogHer. I'm not going this year (too much else going on this Summer) but I did go last year and had a great time. Don't be afraid to talk to anyone. Everyone's cool. And report back, k?

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