Monday, February 15, 2010

Nothing Says "Love" Like Holding the Sick Bucket.

Nothing Says "Love" Like Holding the Sick Bucket

Nothing Says "Love" Like Holding the Sick Bucket

Nothing Says "Love" Like Holding the Sick Bucket

Nothing Says "Love" Like Holding the Sick Bucket


Jennifer said...


Thank goodness for Twitter and it's wonderful ability to accept our grievances.

Get well, April's Little Family.

Stacia said...

I'm laughing with you! Sure hope I don't shart ...

And I hope everyone's on the mend soon! =>

The Turkstra's said...

I hope everyone gets over this bug quickly and the dryer gets fixed quickly! Hang in there!

Natalie at Mommy on Fire said...

Oh yuck - I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel any better this is a boat that all of us moms row now and then. You are not alone!

Crystal Rae said...

OMG i totally lost it with the Toddler version of a shart. That was HILARIOUS! You are one funny lady!

Crystal Rae said...

ALso, If ic ould I would so come and give you a break. I could so handle your 3. Heck I take care of loads of others kids everyday. :P

Jen said...

There is nothing worse than a puking kid. Except multiple puking kids. I feel for you! (Oh, and when the dryer is sick, too? That's just unnecessary cruelty.)

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