Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why Co-Sleeping Sucks.









p.s. Yes, I am that gorgeous in person. Eat your heart out.

p.p.s. Contests galore! You can enter every single day here, here & here!


Jen said...

this is awesome totally made me laugh out loud.
I wish you the best luck for tonight.

Jessica said...

Ha ha...we loved this! Damon and I definitely had a good laugh!

Jenni said...


Good luck tonight!

Kasey said...

This is so funny, and I can completely relate. I was just talking to my husband a few minutes ago about getting our 15 month old out of our bed and into his crib. Too bad it doesn't happen without tears.

Krista Neil said...

Co-sleeping is nuts. I avoid it at all costs nearly all the time.

Shannon said...

Yep, been there.

Hubs and I allowed our first daughter to sleep in the bed with us. When daughter #2 came along, I swore we would not let her in the bed... we had just gotten the first kid to sleep in her own bed, no way was I starting the cycle over, HA!

Good luck!

Marketing Mama said...

I Love love love your drawings. That was so funny. I hope it worked, putting the 2year old back in the crib... :)

SeekerofGrace said...

LMAO. . . I feel your pain. We have the baby in the same room with us here in Korea and it stinks! I miss the crib!

Anonymous said...

hahah Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Monday morning crack up. HA!!!!

P.S. You have spider arms and legs.


Pam said...

Hahahaha babies. They're so small WHY do they take up so much room?? (says the mom still cosleeping at 16 months...)

Summer said...

LOL So funny yet true! I'm so glad my middle was cool with his own bed before i became huge and pregnant, there would have never been room. LOL

Crystal Rae said...

omG that was too funny. Co-sleeping is not the best idea. Working with kids we help prarents all the time get their children sleeping on their own, we actually helped a mom with her 7 year old. Can you believe it.

Jenn said...

Thats Exactly why I don't co-sleep... they move so much!!!

Sarah said...

that is so awsome.

Korie said...

Unfortunately, I can totally relate. Braeden has never set foot in his beautiful (and expensive!) crib, and every night hubby and I get to marvel at the bedtime acrobats he performs. Since Ashlyn has been vacated from my womb, there is considerably more room for him to stretch out, and he is taking full advantage of it! Can a sleep deprived mom get a break?!

diane woods said...

loved your animation! maybe wes willhire you on! better yet, i see a comic strip here.

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

That is hysterical! LOL!!! WHY do kids sleep like that? Every single one of my boys have done the exact thing. Too funny.

sarah said...

HAHAH. possibly the best post. ever.

Jerseygirl said...

I am always amazed by co-sleepers - you guys are so much nicer than I could ever be. Loved the cartoons, too.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Laughing my damn ass off, that is so true, it hurts.

Denise @ Musician's Widow said...

I only JUST found this thanks to Stumble... and laughed my ass off. Love it. LOL!!!

ELay! said...

Where is your husband if the two year old is sleeping with you?

ELay! said...

Where is your husband if the two year old is sleeping with you?

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