We arrived at Nemours (love them) promptly, as our previous experience was efficient and timely (yes, apparently this runs in the family. fun stuff.). But, unfortunately, the schedule was running behind, so our 8:00AM slot turned into a 10:00AM. Boo. Try explaining that to a fifteen month old who hasn't had anything to eat or drink since dinner the night before.
We were understanding though, as last year it was Casey's unexpectedly difficult surgery throwing their schedule into a tizzy. And the staff there is wonderful. They did everything in their power to help distract and entertain little J.

Not-so-happy baby, post-surgery.
When he finally went back, the procedure was quick (about an hour) and uneventful (yay!). He was brought to us from recovery pissed as hell and wanting to go home! After a sippy cup of juice and the removal of hep locks and monitors, we were off. The afternoon was rough with a lot of screaming (he was NOT cool with the no walking until late afternoon orders) and sobbing ("mommy, hurt!"). But he was increasingly happier and more mobile throughout the evening, and by bedtime (with a little help from codeine laced Tylenol) he was nearly himself again.
Fingers (and toes) crossed for today.
So glad it went okay... *hug*
I'm so glad everything went well yesterday. Can't imagine how much it sucks to see you kid in a hospital bed.
Good to see happy post-surgery baby.
Poor little JJ. Glad he's feeling better. How long does the healing process take?
I hope you sweet baby will be feeling better soon, is the recovery quick?
Certainly I'd heard of this birth defect, and I think in my years of single woman experiences I've seen an adult case or two....LOL!
Take care, hope you get a nap!
So glad things went well for JJ. hope he recovers quickly.
Poor little guy. Glad it's over...
I'm so glad he's OK. Hope he feels better today.
God- he looks so old in that middle picture.
He is going to look older than casey soon.
JJ has more of an adult face, while Casey will always be lucky with his young looks.
Happy to hear its over!
I so hope that the patient is recovering well.
Poor baby :( That is so hard on kids and parents!
I hope he is continuing to recover well!
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