Saturday, May 2, 2009

Apparently, It Was On Purpose.

For the entirety of my pregnancy with JJ, each ultrasound showed him head down and wedged firmly in my pelvis. Engaged at 20 weeks and primed for an easy delivery (ha!).

While it was certainly uncomfortable for me, I couldn't help but think he was suffering too.

Apparently not, because this is how he sleeps at night:


Unknown said...

What a sweet sleeping baby.
When I was pregnant with the girls, things were very crowded in my uterus, and they turned in tandem, making my belly look like a freak show. After they were born, we had them in one crib and they would always find a way to get closer and reach out and touch each other. I should see if I can find that picture. Life before!

Erin said...

That is my dad!

Jenni said...

Awwwww! What a little sweetie!

Sarah @ said...

LOL! I guess he just knew what he liked REALLY early in life =)

Girlplustwo said...

i don't know how they do that, but they do that. i could never do that. or maybe i once did that?

Emily said...

That's so cute! Isn't it funny how they sleep so soundly in the most seemingly uncomfortable positions!?

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