Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Tribute to the Nice Indian Man I Hit With My Car.

Dear Random Guy,

I'm so very sorry I let my foot slip off the brake pedal while waiting at the world's longest stoplight and trying to tend to my screaming, virus ravaged baby. I'm so very sorry my beast of a vehicle rolled into your two door spec. And I'm so very sorry it made your bumper look like a six-year old's loose tooth. But, thank you. Thank you for recognizing I was having a Really Really Bad Day. Thank you for telling me I have beautiful children. And thank you for 'forgetting this even happened'.

If I ever become fantastically successful (or hit the lottery), I promise I will find you and buy you a new two door spec fabulous ride.

Yours truly,

The Crazy Chick Who Hit You With Her Car.


p.s. did you enter my contest to win an Aromatherapy Spa Kit yet?

p.p.s. Jay's tribute is especially awesome today. Maybe you could throw him some spare change?


Casey said...

The only thing that would have made this better, is if you said to the guy, "hey, can I get a picture of you to put in my blog?"

jo@blog-diggidy said...

oops, i hat it when that happens!! ;) glad everyone was ok! nice blog btw!!

Valerie said...

Glad everyone was okay and that he was kind.

Anonymous said...

LOVE Casey's comment! HA HA HA!!


Deb said...

ok, what an awful scene, but man, you lucked out, BIG time. hope things have gotten better (and calmer).

Jen said...

Wow! There really are nice people in the world.

Jenni said...

I am glad he didn't give you are hard time and that nobody was hurt, April!

@sweetbabboo said...

Whew! That's amazingly nice. Gives me a little hope for the rest of humanity. Glad you all were ok and I hope the rest of the day got better.

Unknown said...

That was amazingly nice!!! Man just a spec huh??? Good thing you didn't total that spec! lol

Mozi Esme said...

WOW - sounds like the perfect person when things just are reaaaallly bad...

Suzie said...

IM so glad he was in a car and not just walking by

The Stiletto Mom said...

Wait, that was ME you hit. You totally owe me a car.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Awesome. Some people really are kind and think of other people.

Sorry to hear about your bad day though. I hope things get better and your son gets well soon!

Baby Bunching said...

Yikes! This is why I LOVED living in the Gulf region (Qatar) for two years. Anything that involved a child was immediately forgiven no matter what since most of the people living there were from India.

So sorry you had to deal with this.

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