Saturday, December 6, 2008

Twinkle Lights on Winter Nights.

They boys had so much fun playing together on Wednesday that yesterday, en route to the park, I made the impromptu decision to pick up Merrick again. Fortunately, his parents are alright with me stealing their kid for the afternoon.

This time Casey got excited as soon as he saw the daycare building and, instead of dragging him in, I had to hold his shirt by the collar to keep him from tearing through the classrooms in search of Merrick. I got a good laugh at the desk clerk saying she remembered me because she's good with faces. Heh. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the two crazed children I was trying to corral whilst picking up a third. That wouldn't jog your memory at all.

As soon as I got the boys into the car (no small feat) they began chanting 'zoo! zoo!'. I promptly chanted in return 'park park', and that's exactly where we went. We had the toddler play zone and the softball fields all to ourselves. The boys monkeyed around on the equipment for a while. They chased each other through the tubes and down the slides making sure to pat JJ on the head before they whizzed back up the ladder for more goofiness.

When they grew tired of the playground, we took a walk around the fields and stopped at a picnic table for snacks.

After snacks the boys discovered bleachers and couldn't be bribed away, even with the promise of choo-choos!

Finally, after nearly an hour of fun on the bleachers we headed out. Naturally, the sprinklers went off while we were at the fields, so it was a splish-splash, wet trip back. The boys didn't seem to mind. Ha!

After the park we all headed to the University where we met Damon and Jessica for another night of Light Up UCF. The boys were dazzled as ever by the decorations and we had a nice picnic dinner with the whole gang.

After such a full day, it was a blessedly quiet ride home.


Unknown said...

Mommy chants always override the kids' chants.

You can never go wrong with boys and water. If they made a portable puddle to keep mine entertained, I'd be all over it.

Young Momma said...

lol I love the car seat

Anonymous said...

Dang April!

You got yourself some cute boys there! Nice to see such happy kids out doing "boy things" and such.

Glad you stopped by and I'm going to have to keep an eye on these young'uns of yours.

Erin said...

2 of your kids are beauts........
the other one is kinda a mungaloid.
; )

Mc Allen said...

awww, these are good times , heh?!! yes, you do look like the fun-est mom, what sweet boys you have, soooo adorable!! LA

Karla aka Ditzy said...

What a fun filled afternoon/day!! I want to go to the park now!!

Vered said...

You have a way of writing about daily events so that they are interesting and fun to read. You are a classic mommy blogger!

I'm really enjoying this, and I'm trying to learn from you, because I can't seem to do the same. When I write about daily stuff, it comes out BORING.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun day! & I love that carseat :)

Jen said...

you don't know how jealous I am that you can still take your kids to the park. Let me tell you that it is going to be a VERY long winter.
Oh well, I am glad that your kids had fun.

hippos toes said...

Adorable photos. You have a lovely family!!

mrsmouthy said...

What IS it about bleachers?

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