Monday, December 29, 2008

If My Clinical Psychologist Sister Calls Me an Idiot, Does it Stick? And Can I Collect Disability?

Seriously, Google?*

* If you use this search term in Google, my site comes up. Hello?! Our christmas was fantastic!!!

Edit: My clinical psychologist sister did not actually call me an idiot, I'm just asking for future reference.

Second Edit: Apparently, my sister is not a clinical psychologist. She is a mental health counselor. Who knew?


Jen said...

Wrong!!!!!! What is up with that!?!

Jenni said...

LOL! I think if after she says it, you pinch her arm really hard and them hold your breath until you pass out, you might be able to collect disability...

Unknown said...

LOL only after a rousing battle of she's looking at me, she's on my side and/or I'm telling.
Good luck with the disability though, I think they are using all the funds to bail out the morons and the idiots are left to fend for themselves. ;-)

Unknown said...

LMAO! That is too funny! Definatly should be able to get something from the damage she will cause! lol

Brittany said...

Can I get your sister to call me crazy, i would love to collect some government checks!

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