Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday Night In Style.

This is what I'm dealing with tonight:

To make me feel better about my date night with wrinkled undershorts (empty, wrinkled undershorts), you should probably do something nice.

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Meaghan said...

im a fellow SITS member and I was stopping by to invite you to enter my giveaway! If you entered into last weeks your entries count towards this week too. There are also new ways to get more entries.

If you haven't entered yet stop by and get a chance to win 1 lb of gourmet coffee from my new online coffee shop: Get The Bean

To enter visit our blog:

Writer J said...

Wow that is a lot of laundry. It's amazing how much laundry can stack up. You don't know me but I'm giving you a hug for having a crappy Saturday. Hope tomorrow is better for you.

Anonymous said...

I bet I have more dirty underwear! Let's not even discuss socks. I have 3 kids & a husband :)

diane woods said...

it wasn't all bad! april hit 2 community garage sales today and came home loaded.

Unknown said...

That's EXACTLY how my family room looked today. We caught up on folding laundry. It was terrible!

BTW, I left you The Butterfly Award at Jolly Mom.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with all the laundry. Once you finish, you will have the satisfaction of being able to put it off for at least a few days. Kids make a lot of laundry.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

I am leaving a comment AND adding your badge to my blogroll page--that's just the kinda bloggy friend I AM!

Aliceson said...

Washing and drying the clothes isn't so bad- It's the folding and putting away that I hate.

BTW, I added your blog to mine.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've tagged you on my blog,

Suzie said...

Wow your laundry made me have a little anxiety attack

Tabitha Blue said...

Wow, OK, so I saw the laundry thing on Twitter.... but, that REALLY is alot of laundry. Ugh, I hate when it piles up like that... and with kids, those piles come so quickly!!! The worst part is putting it all away. Hope you found your way out of there ok. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah--endless laundry! Don't you just love? Good stuff.

Felicia said...

Just do like us and let it pile up in the closet..then you "get" to go clothes diving every day! Graham loves it! LOL!

Felicia said...

Just do like us and let it pile up in the closet..then you "get" to go clothes diving every day! Graham loves it! LOL!

April said...

@ meaghan: I'm letting you get away with spamming my comments this once. And only bc I like your blog and it's for a good cause. Please don't do it again, though.

@ julie: me too! thanks :-)

@ beth: oh, don't get me started on socks...

@ diane: and with lots and lots of socks...

@ jolly: thanks! :-)

@ anne: they sure do... a lot of it was sorting... trying to figure out what they don't fit into anymore :-/

@ petra: you're pretty much awesome. i'd add you to my blogroll. but you're already there :-D

@ aliceson: THANKS! and you're soooo right!

@ clair: thanks :-)

@ suzie: LMAO, let me do the worrying... you enjoy your evening!

@ tabitha: it's DONE. ...and beginning to pile up again. LOL. actually a lot of it was just sorting through the boys' stuff to see what's too small.

@ davida: better than stinky clothes, i guess ;-)

@ felicia: haha! that would give me serious anxiety! my house is in no way clean or organized, but the kid's closets MUST be in order. i can't deal with searching for their sh-t. it's bad enough i have to do it for mine :-D

Nessa said...

Sweetie, I feel your pain. I swear my laundry pile always looks like that. You'd think I'd get caught up eventually, but it never seems to happen. Sorry your Saturday night was such a bummer!

April said...

@ nessa: it's ok, sunday TOTALLY made up for it!

LODS said...

i love doing the laundry coz it cleans up the whole room,lol. what i hate is after laundry.i get stuck folding and folding and folding,it just take forever!!!!!and i have to fold as soon as the dryer goes off or else i get wrinkled clothes?do you iron?if you do i feel bad for you with all those clothes,lol

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