Sippy Cup Like a Big Boy!
Nom Nom Nom.... Mall Food.
Poor JJ doesn't get any tasty mall food yet.
But he is in a cool pic with Mom!
I freaking LOVE Sears. Seriously, a DIAPER DISPENSER?!?!
My view.
Oncoming (foot) traffic's view.
We were 'ghosted', so we 'ghosted' two neighbors back -
with (nom nom nom) TASTY treats & plastic bugs.
We totally got busted 'ghosting' though.
We learned the following:
1. Don't ghost in broad daylight,
2. Don't ghost a house with a puppy, &
3. Don't ghost with a fussy toddler and pukey baby.
I wanna get ghosted... no clue what it is but it sounds fun! Cute pics from the mall. Sears does rock, I've never seen a diaper dispenser before.
Cute pics of the kids. We haven't been ghosted in a kids are older so we are outside the loop of moms that "ghost" at this time of year.
love the "mama's view" picture. very creative :)
We have diaper (or nappy as we call them) dispensers over here, pretty much in all the large shopping centres.
Great pics.
i am so in-love with your youngest son.his eyes jsut beckons me like saying"im the cutest" old is he?your older son is handsome too. i have a 5 yr old and almost a year old.both girls.
I like the picture of JJ. He looks like he's patiently waiting for the day that he gets to partake in the yumminess of mall food.
You and your love affair with Sears.......
@ casey: it's great! you put treats on two neighbors doorsteps after dark - then each have to do the same to two other neighbors, and on and on. you tape a picture of a ghost to your door so there aren't any repeats. you should start it in your neighborhood!
@ AZ: this is the first time for us. super exciting!
@ diane: thanks!
@ dee: man, wish we did. i forget the essentials a LOT.
@ life: aw, thanks. he's almost 7 months and the big 'un is almost 23 months.
@ ronnica: haha, yeh, he looked a little forlorn to me!
@ erin: *sigh* there's just SO much to love.
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