This afternoon Wes had an expert meeting with an engineer at our house so the the boys and I skadoo'ed over to the Oviedo Marketplace Mall to get out of his hair. We were there for a little over three hours and I have to commend the boys on keeping the ruckus to a low roar.
The trip started with some tasty Teriyaki Chicken in the food court, then Casey pushed Jonathan in the stroller for a while. We hit up the Dollar Store while Casey was still pushing and that turned out to be a mistake - fortunately everything's a dollar, so I was able to bribe Casey back into the stroller with a new book. When Casey returned to the stroller, Jonathan took up residence in the pack. After the Dollar Store we walked the length of the mall until Jonathan started getting fussy. Then we stopped outside of Dillard's and I pushed the stroller up against a bench and loaded it with every toy I could find in my pocketbook. While Casey was occupied I nursed Jonathan and gave Dad some legal advice on the cellphone.
After nursing, Jonathan returned to the pack and we walked through Sears (I'm a Sears junkie, I can't tell you why, I don't know, I just AM). After Sears we intended on leaving, but it was POURING, so we went back to the food court and got a kiddy scoop of ice cream from Baskin Robbins ($3.50!?!?!). By the time Casey was done with his ice cream, the rain had let up to a slow drizzle, so we made our escape.
The ride home started out rough because everyone was tired, but then Casey caught the giggle bug and kept himself occupied laughing the entire trip home. Jonathan thought Casey was pretty funny too and, while he didn't laugh, he had a smile on his face watching big brother be a goof.
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